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Showing posts from April, 2019


Warm Greetings to all my readers. This time I am here with the continuation of the previous blog. Yes, 'THE DEADLIFT '. Last time we learned about the few hand and feet position with posture and movement which are beneficial as well as correct form in order to decrease the probability of injury. So, without further delay lets start with some of the deadlifts which are performed in the gym with good form.Muscles which are involved in deadlift are basically legs and back muscle with shoulder and arm too.To Elaborate the muscle lets see the human anatomy with muscle involved. As you can see leg and back muscle which are involved are major muscle; Hamstrings(Biceps femoris, Vastus Lateralus), soleus, Adductor Magnus,Gluteus maximus, quadriceps, Rectus femoris erector spinae, Latissimus Dorsi, Teres major. Some of the muscle which used in the deadlift but not as the major muscle, these are; Trapezius Deltoids, Triceps brachii, flexor's, pectoralis major, Rectus...