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Good evening to all my readers.

Its been quite while,I haven't wrote any blog about fitness or about any exercise which would be helpful in determining overall health of a human.
Today we would go on a ride for letting our-self into the habit of doing same thing everyday at same time till it become habit and our muscle recognize it .
In our day to day life we remain busy with the work and remain unaware with the health issue.
We always overall all the health just to compete in the world.With money mind and higher living standard the life of people has become a circle for people to abide throughout the life. Health of a person is put aside and no active work is done which involve fitness level.
These days people use all suitable gadgets and technology to ease life and manual working become absent. This in turn make people obese at times and can lead to fatal disease. To terminate this stagnation in the health , we can inculcate the habit of exercising.
Household work do help in incorporating health of a person. Apart from this exercising at home or at gym help in reducing health issues.There is no fixed time for exercising , the hours are flexible. But the most preferred hour of the day is morning. As morning comes with fresh and clean air. It strengthen the immune system if exercise done every morning at same time. The fresh and clean air refer to clean oxygen with much less pollutant mixed with the oxygen. One more thing which should put in mind is the workout done outside in open space.
Lets starts with some exercises and yoga poses which everyone should inculcate in day to day life with minimal use of  time .The most used and profound Yoga Pose is shirshasana or Headstand.The pose is done while keeping head down in neutral position with a help of shoulder and arms to supports head. While the head remains down the legs are lifted up vertically so that the blood flow reverses its direction.
By remaining in this pose can help in various aspect. While keeping your head down and leg straight up turns the blood circulation towards head . This in turn helps the scalp to nourish and even help in memory retention for children as well as adults. This pose keeps heart healthy.This asana need strength in shoulder , back,hands and abdomen.With the daily habit of doing this asana increases strength in muscles . It help in building much broad and bold shoulder with core strength .The asana really helps in tacking digestive routine.
A person if struggling with indigestion , bloating , acid reflex and many other problems can be altered and managed with the use of this pose. Now-a-days asana is also used to reduce belly fat.Finally the muscle which is also affect by this asana are legs. Unknowingly the are strengthen with daily inculcating in routine.
This is the only reason why HEADSTAND(SHRISHASANA) is called 'KING' of all asana.
 Further, there are so many asana and exercise which consume less time and give results if done for prolong periods.
Today we shall discuss HEADSTAND . We shall go through all the aspects of headstand also known as shirshasana 
Headstand(Shirsasana)is done keeping your head down on the ground with the support of the hands and helping your legs to straighten up towards the roof. This pose is done keeping the body at 90 degree to the ground in inverted position. This make the flow of the blood to move towards the head. It helps relaxing your mind and body. The blood flow norished the scalp which help in promoting hair growth and keeping mind healthy. While hands and shuolder are involved during the whole asana. It promotes the shoulder muscle to control and balance the body in the exact position. This in turn enagage the soulder muscle to work and grouw with strenghth. Core or the mid section is engaged while we keep our body in straight line with the floor. It order to keep the body stable core needs to work and should to be maintained tight and firm. Thye abdomen plays a vital role in mainintaing the position.


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