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Deadlift: Muscle builder

Hello to all my readers. It has been a while that I have not updated with my new blog which promised in the last blog.If you missed my last blog you can read it as we discussed mind and muscle connection importance for optimum muscle growth and some rule before performing deadlifts.

I will share the link at the end of this blog.

This time we are going to discuss the feet and hand position during the deadlift and what are the small mistake which we need to correct in order to do the deadlift efficiently without any injuries.

I will definitely back my statement with science to prove that correct form is really important for our bone and muscle health.

Without any adieu first, let's start with the hand position and how they are used during the whole deadlift. The motive here of hands are just being a hinge just to hold the weight. The best position for the hands is just apart from the waist width. You would be thing why and how hands are used as the hinge and why only waist width apart.

To explain about same let's review the last blog which wrote, in which I told you that deadlift is not a pull exercise but push exercise. As we hold the weight in hand we virtually try to push the ground below our feet in order to make the hamstring to stretch to outstretch position and vice-versa, which is the final position.

You might be thinking that how pushing phenomenon actually pull the weight up to its original position.

This is one of the only questions, most of the reader would have in their mind. To learn about the answer lets see on the image with a lifter with a bar on the ground curled in hands.

As you see the images above,(I) image here to show the initial position which is 90 degree. This means the angle to which the back remain straight. The weight should balance proportionally. why we keep the weight this way because keeping weight on side more might result in falling.

When standing up the legs basically push the ground making the stretch in the hamstring and also making back more thick and strong. But today we'll only talk about stress hamstring gets during the movement.

If we consider the flip side that we pull the weight during, the result of the movement would be somewhat like the this;

This is the extended arch. This happens when someone with the weight in his/her hands without engaging back muscle, abdomen muscle and hamstring muscle.

As image itself depict rounded back with stiff hips unable
lifter to lift the weight up without putting its back prone to injury. During the course of my training in a gym, I have seen many lifters acclimatized to this the posture as shown in the image on the left side.

This posture is caused only when less engagement of core and back muscle. And off-course pulling weight using hands.
Pulling weight like this is because of the stiff legs and Glutes which when used can cause injury on the hamstring. Rounded back is the biggest mistake lifter do. It not only put excess pressure on back muscle but also make it weak and easy target for injury to happen. The next faulty thing a lifter can do is its head movement during the whole deadlift movement.

Studies have shown that moving head or unsatisfactory head position can cause injury in the neck and upper back muscle. Even in the whole span of training, I have learned with my experience that stationary head while keeping in-line with the spine put neck at less to no injury. Even after lifting the weight some of the lifters extend their back in such a manner that they invited the injury to the next level. This extension of back muscle cause impingement in the lower back which is experienced by every such lifter. The whole lift its show how the lifter is pulling the weight with the help of arms, back and shoulder muscles. Resulting in more injuries and less muscle activation.

I am very sure that you all have seen such lifters in your gym.

On the right, you can see an image depicting the correct form for deadlift. To make things clear, I would like to tell to all my readers that we are talking about conventional deadlift or Romanian deadlift.

By far this is the posture one should have in order to be away from any kind of injury. keeping spine stable and at 90 degrees. The core should remain engaged throughout the movement. Glute muscle should be flexible enough to control the overall movement of the deadlift. Keeping elbow straight enough to be used just for holding weight and not satisfying any other purpose. The shoulder should be fixed and not slouched forward for any reason. This may cause injury to the shoulder. Head, as shown, should remain in line to spine.

This is how we can tell that a lifter is pushing the ground with all its strength by engaging most of the muscle in the body in order to lift the weight up to a certain level from the ground.
There is one more thing apart from those discussed above is that the bar should remain close to the body throughout the whole movement.

The bar should travel close to the body or should touch the tibialis anterior while moving it to the position below the torso level.

So, Finally after all this, we have concluded that deadlift is pushing exercise with lots of strength required to move weight up to the torso level, engaging maximum muscles.
Done with best posture results in more muscle engagement and more muscle activation. This is one of the best exercises for the overall development of the body.

Now let's move on to leg and hand position for better deadlift. You all might have learned about the various type of deadlifts. Different type different hand position in order to make the movement smooth and with less hindrance due to hand between body and bar.

Same as hand, feet are position differently for better balance and more or less activation for different muscle activation in leg and back.
So, that all, for now, we will discuss more deadlift with types and muscle which are activated during the whole movement.

Hope, you like the content. Let me know if you find this more helpful.
Make sure to tell me what more, I should write in my future blogs.
To all my new readers I would request you to read my previous blog which was about the deadlift.

Link to my previous blog is right here



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