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Muscle Building

Today I am going to tell you more about exercise and workout to maintain body mass and increase weight for skinny guys. Well I promised you guys to post my pictures during initial days of gym but as am not using my personal laptop so with won't be possible.I promise to post soon.

So, to begin with the exercise which helped my during initial were squats, dead-lift, bench press and military press.
Apart from these best way to increase endurance is running and some jumping jack.Why I am telling you to go for running is not to reduce weight but to increase the heart rate and strength in legs and in arms while swinging two-fro.

This actually help build up your endurance from zero to a level where you can light good amount of weight.This is even the best way to keep your heart healthy. And why jumping jack, because stop jumping with stretching arms and legs actually put emphasis on whole body by increasing heart rate, increasing metabolism,flowing more bloods towards the muscle,this in turn makes you body less prone to injuries and more weight loading can be done.

You might be thinking why just exercise when there so many stretches and dynamic exercise.
To tell you in gist with an example, when you start a course of study you never read and mug up whole book/syllabus in a day rather you take it slow and read one at a time and gradually increase the pace.Same way you never take many exercise when you never did  such physical work.
You do less to bounce more in latter.
So before main course with take starter same way we do running and jumping jacks.
You might be thing how much time is required to do in order to see effect .So the answer is as much as you can initially.

But for number we should start somewhere from 15-25 min running an 10 mins jumping jacks.One can spice it up with high knees alternatively with jumping jacks.

Now for workout we have push ups with variation which will target back, chest , rhomboid,clavicle portion,triceps,posterior heads,deltoids , trapezius,forearm muscle.These are the muscles which gets trained when you do Push up.



So this is good exercise for a start. Then move on to goblin squat, this might look easy but good to start for posture and weight loading.We use dumbbell here .Major muscle used in this exercise are thigh muscles which includes rectus  femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and minor muscles which are leg muscles tibialis anterior ,latissimus dorsi(basically lower back muscles).

 Bendover rows would be the next on list, I would recommend you to  include this exercise to get good results. This exercise focus on upper back muscles which in turn increase the mass and size of back . As we all know big back is responsible for big chest.
So focus on back with this exercise, major muscle involve are ; back muscles(Latissimus dorsi,teres major,erector spinae,rhomboid major, trapezius),minor muscles include arm muscle(brachialis, brachii).

Next on list is weight pull ups, i would recommend weight only if one can easily pull its weight up with proper body posture and if one can do 20 -25 pull up , one can upgrade to weight.
Best exercise for upper body.
So These are some exercise which i would recommend to add to routine for a little challenge and change.
This is all for today included .In would request you to help yourself and start your day with little exercise.
Thanks .


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