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Showing posts from March, 2019

Deadlift: Muscle builder

Hello to all my readers. It has been a while that I have not updated with my new blog which promised in the last blog.If you missed my last blog you can read it as we discussed mind and muscle connection importance for optimum muscle growth and some rule before performing deadlifts. I will share the link at the end of this blog. This time we are going to discuss the feet and hand position during the deadlift and what are the small mistake which we need to correct in order to do the deadlift efficiently without any injuries. I will definitely back my statement with science to prove that correct form is really important for our bone and muscle health. Without any adieu first, let's start with the hand position and how they are used during the whole deadlift. The motive here of hands are just being a hinge just to hold the weight. The best position for the hands is just apart from the waist width. You would be thing why and how hands are used as the hinge and why only waist ...

Better Deadlift

Hello to all my readers.Last time we discuss some exercise which is beneficial and effective to our-self for keeping our body and mind healthy. You might be thinking when did we discuss mind is healthy. Just for you, I am going to tell you about mental health by exercise and also we are going to discuss posture while doing exercise and also why/how to perform each exercise properly to reduce injury risk in the gym. Nowadays people go to the gym and become prone to gym accident as they remain ignorant about the risk of an accident which can happen if workout and equipment not used efficiently. First, let's move to our question about mental health. This is really simple yet complicated. All we need to do is provide healthy food and a good amount of oxygen to our brain. You might not know that with the life we live today, accompany us with less amount of oxygen in the brain. This happens because we never take deep breathe which results in acclimatizing to short breathe. So whi...

Muscle Building

Hello Today I am going to tell you more about exercise and workout to maintain body mass and increase weight for skinny guys. Well I promised you guys to post my pictures during initial days of gym but as am not using my personal laptop so with won't be possible.I promise to post soon. So, to begin with the exercise which helped my during initial were squats, dead-lift, bench press and military press. Apart from these best way to increase endurance is running and some jumping jack.Why I am telling you to go for running is not to reduce weight but to increase the heart rate and strength in legs and in arms while swinging two-fro. This actually help build up your endurance from zero to a level where you can light good amount of weight.This is even the best way to keep your heart healthy. And why jumping jack, because stop jumping with stretching arms and legs actually put emphasis on whole body by increasing heart rate, increasing metabolism,flowing more bloods towards the mus...

Exercise part 1

Today i am going to share my experience with you about workout, exercise, running and much more. Why in today’s world exercise is most prominent to remain fit. There was a time when people use to do dandh bethak* and khusti* to remain healthy and fit. Basically they torn muscle to mke then strong and bulky with such routine. Now a days some part of india follow same old technique to develope there muscle and endurance. These technics are regourous and less equipped. You need less to no use of equipment. One of the most used technique is dandh bethak* common language sit ups. This is an exercise when you perform in gym. So lets start with my experience with gym and workout. When i started my day to gym was not because i was big or fatty. That was not the case with me, instead i was very thin and underweight. First time was when i was in my high school but that gym workout did last just for a month till my summer vacations.i was still thin , puny  and same old Harry. By...


Hello everyone This is my first writing about health and fitness or i should say blog about health. So to start,lets take a very obvious and much search topic which is weight reduction. Why today people equate fat loss in front of weight loss !. why reducing weight has become indispensable to every human.why people thing reducing any diet and going to gym can only be a solution to their problem. These day several diet plans and exercise has been emerged to control the weight and lessen it asap. So what is best way to control such fat reduction. In my point of view, weight loss and fat loss are both different segment which gets entangled by humans. To learn about weight , first you need to know weight means here. When we take account of weight we basically calculate weight of fat and muscle mass . Fat and muscle mass both together comprises to give us total weight of a body. With increase in muscle mass gives us less fat accumulated in our body and less will be the ...